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Leave no Trace course
Level 1 Instructor
20-hour course with Leave No Trace certification – Level 1 Instructor. An ideal experience for those wishing to deepen their knowledge of Leave No Trace’s minimum impact principles. Course coordinated by Moaci Judson, Outward Bound Brasil and NOLS instructor.
Course content
- History and overview of the Leave No Trace program, with parallels drawn to the Brazilian reality.
- The role and function of the Leave No Trace organization, including the positive impacts of minimum impact principles.
- Roles and functions of a Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor.
- The seven Least Impact Principles and the Leave No Trace ethic.
- Information, techniques and teaching methods.
- Practice feedback and pedagogical improvement processes for the development of future instruction.
Who is this course for?
This course is ideal for professionals in the outdoor activities market, educators, guides, instructors, professionals working in national and state parks and conservation units, as well as anyone wishing to delve deeper into the principles of minimum impact and disseminate good practices in natural environments. The course is open to anyone looking to promote responsible and sustainable coexistence with nature.
Certificate validity: 2 years
Other information
The course takes place in the open air, with participants camping out. All the students take an active part in the process of building knowledge by teaching classes that involve the principles of minimum impact.
The Leave No Trace – Instructor Level 1 course certifies the trained instructor as fully knowledgeable in the practice of outdoor activities in line with minimum impact principles. It also enables participants to give lectures and workshops on the subject.
For Gear Tips Club partners, the training includes a training seal, which will be applied to their Gear Tips Club page, as well as authorization to use this seal on their own websites and communications, as long as the certificate is still valid.
This course complies with the technical standards ABNT NBR ISO 21102 and ABNT NBR 15398 and the international Leave No Trace guidelines.
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What is the Capacitar Program?
The Capacitar Program was developed by Gear Tips so that Gear Tips Club partner companies can be increasingly prepared to meet the growing demand from new outdoor activity practitioners. By taking part in the Program, professionals receive a certificate and can use the training seals. Find out more.