Green Notes

Programa de Reciclagem no Congresso de Trilhas

Recycling Program at the Trails Congress

The 2nd Brazilian Trails Congress was held in Niterói from September 20 to 24. Gear Tips was present with a stand that, in addition to promoting the Club, also had a Recycling Program Collector, where participants could dispose of empty camping cartridges. Bruno Negreiros, the coordinator of the Recycling Program, was at the stand to present the program and educate people about the collector. We would like to thank everyone who stopped by the stand to dispose of their cartridges properly.

See the full article about the congress on our Blog!

Coleta Itinerante

Mobile collection of gas cartridges

With the aim of further increasing public access to the gas cartridge recycling program’s collectors, last weekend we launched what we call “Itinerant Collection”, which is nothing more than taking the collectors to outdoor events. The first event to receive the itinerant collection was the Bernardo do Espinhaço concert in Santa Catarina and it has already been agreed that the other concerts on the tour will also have cartridge collection. In addition, with this itinerant collection we will also have a collector at the 2nd Brazilian Trail Congress and the Rio Mountain Festival.

We will neutralize all our carbon emissions by 2022

We are proud to announce that we have neutralized all our carbon emissions in 2022 by planting 8 native Atlantic forest trees in ecological restoration projects carried out in the Peixe and Camanducaia river basins, located in the south of Minas Gerais and east of the state of São Paulo. This planting was carried out by the Copaíba organization, an environmental association that is a reference in reforestation projects and is active in defending the Atlantic Forest. This demonstrates and reinforces our commitment to sustainability and to creating a greener future.

See the full article on our Blog!