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Gear Tips Green Hub
Initiatives for a more sustainable future
Understand the Green Hub
O Green Hub represents the heart of Gear Tips’ sustainable initiatives, driving environmental awareness and concrete actions to minimize our impact on the planet. Among the actions ofWe have launched the Gas Cartridge Recycling Program and the neutralization of carbon emissions from our events and operations.
Our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals guides these initiatives, aiming to create a greener and more sustainable future for outdoor enthusiasts.
Carbon neutralization
Neutralizing carbon emissions is one of the pillars of our environmental actions, both in the events we hold and in our operations and activities as a whole. These actions reinforce our commitment to minimizing our environmental impact and contributing to a greener future.
Cartridge Recycling Program
The aim of the recycling program is to promote environmental awareness and facilitate the proper disposal, collection and recycling of camping gas cartridges, preventing them from being sent to dumps or landfills.
To this end, Gear Tips, in partnership with Grão Coworking and designer Davi Rezende, has created a specific collector for the correct disposal of gas cartridges, which includes an emptying valve and a piercing lever. These collectors are sent to partners throughout Brazil. We currently have more than 25
fixed collection points
and you can also find mobile collection points at various events.
Itinerant" collection points
May 17-19, 2024
Mountain Festival
Local: São Bento do Sapucaí - SP
Where to find: Next to Armazém Aventura
The biggest mountain festival in Brazil, Mountain Festival is an event to bring together all the mountain tribes in one place to preserve, encourage, unite and have fun.
May 17-19, 2024
SC Outdoor Expo
Local: Expoville - Joinville - SC
Where to find: Next to the MaCamp stand
A fair aimed at the outdoor segment, with exhibitors, a regional tourism forum and talks on activities related to outdoor sports.
Sustainable Development Goals
Green Notes
Check out the latest updates on sustainability actions from Gear Tips Green Hub