Category Events

Gear Tips was present at CBAA/CIAA

Gear Tips was present, through various activities, at the Brazilian and International Congress of Adventure Activities – CBAA/CIAA, held in Petrópolis/RJ. At the event, we were responsible for managing the Petrópolis x Teresópolis crossing, which took place in one day, with a focus on geoconservation and minimal impact. We also gave a 4-hour mini-course on the subject, all in partnership with Professor Fernando Pessoa, from Expedições do Cefet. We also set up our stand at the Adventure Fair and took part in a round table discussion on success stories in adventure activities, alongside representatives from INEA and Long Distance Trails. In this way we reinforce our presence by supporting and dialoguing with the most diverse players in the practice of outdoor activities in Brazil and around the world.

Gear Tips presents mini-course at Mountain Festival

On May 18, 2024, Bruno Negreiros, Gear Tips’ socio-environmental coordinator, gave a mini-course on Environmental Conservation and Minimum Impact Practices at the Mountain Festival in São Bento do Sapucaí.

This course discussed conservation definitions and practices, the seven principles of minimum impact and a general reflection on what more we can do to make outdoor sports more conscious and sustainable.

Projeto de Reciclagem é apresentado em curso da UIAA

Recycling project presented at UIAA course

The Gear Tips Recycling Program, winner of the Mountain Protect Award 2023, was presented to the audience at the International Mountain Sports Course of the International Union of Mountaineering Associations – UIAA in Bariloche/Argentina. In this way, the message of sustainability goes further and further afield, with the Project dialoguing on a daily basis with federations in various countries. The course, which took place between April 19 and 21, covered a range of topics, balancing theory with a number of practical activities organized by the Argentine Ski and Andean Federation – FASA.

Collector at the Rio Mountain Festival

On October 17, the 18th edition of the Rio Mountain Festival, a renowned film festival that celebrates life outdoors, opened at the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center (CCBB). During all the days of the event, the Recycling Program’s cartridge collector was available at the entrance to the cinema, where anyone could dispose of their gas cartridges used on their camping trips correctly. To celebrate the festival and sustainability, we had the pleasure of welcoming those who designed and created the Recycling Program collector: Victor Cruz and Davi Rezende, as well as Bruno Negreiros, who is responsible for the program and Gear Tips’ social and environmental work.

Programa de Reciclagem no Congresso de Trilhas

Recycling Program at the Trails Congress

The 2nd Brazilian Trails Congress was held in Niterói from September 20 to 24. Gear Tips was present with a stand that, in addition to promoting the Club, also had a Recycling Program Collector, where participants could dispose of empty camping cartridges. Bruno Negreiros, the coordinator of the Recycling Program, was at the stand to present the program and educate people about the collector. We would like to thank everyone who stopped by the stand to dispose of their cartridges properly.

See the full article about the congress on our Blog!

Coleta Itinerante

Mobile collection of gas cartridges

With the aim of further increasing public access to the gas cartridge recycling program’s collectors, last weekend we launched what we call “Itinerant Collection”, which is nothing more than taking the collectors to outdoor events. The first event to receive the itinerant collection was the Bernardo do Espinhaço concert in Santa Catarina and it has already been agreed that the other concerts on the tour will also have cartridge collection. In addition, with this itinerant collection we will also have a collector at the 2nd Brazilian Trail Congress and the Rio Mountain Festival.